
Building Projection & Subway Posters



Commissioned and presented By Creative Time. Installation at 2 Columbus Circle, Manhattan, and in the New York City subway system.

A project of Creative Capital

LEAP began with the video taping of 420 New Yorkers who live at the end points of all the subway lines that pass through the Columbus Circle. Each participant was asked to stand in front of a black backdrop and jump as high as possible. Each was then interviewed about his or her hopes and aspirations. The video jumps were slowed and edited so that each person was projected one at a time, standing at the base of the building and then leaping up across the height of the facade, disappearing into the night sky. Close-up photos of the faces of the jumpers and quotes from the interviews were combined on subway car cards that were posted throughout the system for the two months surrounding the project.



Detail of subway car card.